Because it could be you!

How to Apply

Should you find yourself, or know of someone, who could benefit from the WCEF, please contact us.

Depending on the urgency of the situation, an application form is filled out and two Board Members meet face to face with the person or family in need to discuss the situation and how the WCEF can help. All information provided to WCEF is kept strictly confidential and is not released without the consent of the applicant.

Eligibility Criteria

  • permanent residents of the local community (minimum 6 months)
  • individuals or families who are poor, of low income, or in need facing emergency situations out of their control
  • the situation should be short-term or temporary in nature
  • financial activities can be affected in the short term
  • proposed funding of activities will allow the situation to stabilise
  • emergency, beyond the control of the person(s) is defined as: a sudden unforeseen crisis that requires immediate action
  • emergency is defined as: a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something
  • or, situations deemed by the Board members to be eligible for consideration under this fund.

Examples when the WCEF would provide assistance for basic necessities of life :

  • unexpected medical expenses which exceed insurance provisions resulting in economic hardship
  • uninsured loss due to fire which result in economic hardship
  • delay in receiving insurance benefits.

We do NOT Fund the Following

  • long term needs
  • services which are covered via another program
  • when person(s) are deemed, based on information provided to the Board, as having the means to fund the emergency without hardship
  • situations which the Board feels, following review of information provided, do not meet the eligibility criteria.


A Board of four to five members will review the request and make a determination within two weeks, or sooner, depending on the circumstances. The applicant will then be notified of the Board decision. All requests will be kept confidential. Approval of an application can be either partially or fully supported depending on the situation. Recipients are not required to pay back the assistance, however this may be required in some circumstances such as pending insurance payment or, if recipients by their own accord, wish to refund all or part of the received assistance to the WCEF. Any use by the WCEF of recipient personal information will require pre-approval by the recipient.

Decision Making Guidelines

Unfortunately, crises and emergencies occur regularly within the Community. The WCEF cannot fund them all. The WCEF appeals are reserved for major emergencies that cannot be dealt with by the usual mechanisms, and where WCEF is in a position to respond quickly and effectively. WCEF members have to be able to make a difference and be confident that they can spend public donations effectively. In evaluating an application, members of the Board evaluate relevant information, which in turn enables the WCEF Board members to assess the emergency concerned, and the likely level and effectiveness of any response. Each recipient will receive the assistance necessary to provide relief in the emergency situation to the extent that the Fund can provide. Hence the importance of having a well sustained Fund.

Guiding Principles

Two principles have been adopted to provide a guideline for Board members in deciding whether WCEF funding is the appropriate response to a particular emergency:

  • The emergency must be on such a scale and of such urgency as to call for swift assistance.
  • The WCEF must be in a position to provide effective and swift assistance.

Administrative Costs

Administrative costs for the WCEF are kept at a minimum. Thanks to the help of many volunteers, less than 1% of funds are used to pay for: banking fees, stationary, and some printing.