Because it could be you!

How it works

The Wakefield Community Emergency Fund (WCEF) is an officially recognised charitable organisation by the Canada Revenue Agency.  Registration number:  83723 8179 RR0001.

Bring hope and relief to local families facing emergencies in the Wakefield Community.

With less than 1% WCEF administration costs your donation goes directly to the source of need and makes a difference in someone’s life.

How we help


The WCEF relieves poverty by providing basic necessities of life, including food, clean water, clothing, and/or shelter to individuals or families who are poor, of low income, or in need when facing emergencies out of their control.


Our mission is to ease the burden of those in need by mobilising the power of giving in the local community.


  • Respect, dignity and care for one another within and outside the WCEF
  • Integrity, accountability, effectiveness
  • Fairness, anonymity, compassion, non-judgemental

Who you are

You are first and foremost a powerful, artistic and generous community who supports the many, many needs of your neighbours, family and friends. We have seen this time and again at the WCEF, and with the numerous other charitable events in our small community. You have a heart that keeps on giving. We can always count on you to come forward and support.

Because without you, this Fund would not exist.

How you can help

There are many ways you can donate to the WCEF. For more information do not hesitate to contact the WCEF.

Ten good reasons why you should support the WCEF

  1. The WCEF strives to be an agent of beneficial change in people’s lives in the local community, as well as meet the needs of the moment.
  2. All funds donated to the WCEF are used by the WCEF and given directly to the point of urgent need.
  3. The WCEF seeks to reach out to those most in need in our community and does so without discrimination on the basis of need.
  4. We strive to be transparent and effective.
  5. The WCEF is an officially recognised charitable organisation and keeps its administrative costs minimal (less than 1%.)
  6. The fund pays out no money in salaries. (All members are volunteers)
  7. Although donations are accepted year round, the WCEF seeks business and community support only twice in the year via special events.
  8. The WCEF provides support to the local community, as a whole.
  9. You can help people in your own community who need a helping hand.
  10. Because it could be you.

Unsolicited Donations

Are you planning a party or event and want to take the opportunity to raise money for the WCEF? Contact us and we can provide you with information pamphlets and posters on the WCEF for your event.


Our mission is to ease the burden of those in need by mobilising the power of giving in the local community. Volunteers are always welcomed to assist the Board for special projects or for the planning and organising of events. To ask about volunteering opportunities simply contact a board member.


To discuss sponsorship and partnership opportunities please contact a WCEF Board member.

  • Partnering with the Wakefield Community Emergency Fund connects businesses to an organisation that is increasingly known in the community as helping assist residents in need in times of emergency .
  • Companies have the opportunity to increase their visibility.